In the framework of SCPA Programme activities, respectively ‘’Support functioning of Local Councils of Public Safety’, PMT Monitoring and Evaluation Expert Ms Eldisa Zhebo attended meetings with Durres and Fier Public Safety and Security Structures on 10th December 2024.
Two meetings were organized, respectively in Durres and Fier Districts following the approval of the CoM Decision No. 678, dated 30.10.2024 on ‘Structure, detailed rules of organization and functioning of the LCPS and the National Council of Community Safety”. The first meeting was organized in Durres District with the participation of the representatives from Durres District Prefecture, Durres, Shijak and Kruja, Municipalities and ASP respective Police Commissariats. The second meeting was organized in Fier District with the representatives from the Ministry of Interior, Fier LPD, respective Police Commissariats and Fier, Mallakastra, Patos and Lushnja Municipalities. During these two meetings the importance of establishing the LCPS was emphasized. SCPA PMT will continue to support the establishment and functioning of LCPSs alongside the capacity-building for LCPS members and ASP personnel and will also carry out an assessment of LCPSs functioning and sustainability.
At the end of the meeting, all parties expressed their appreciation on the cooperation and support provided to date by the international partners and their interest in the continuation of such useful cooperation.