Coordination Meeting with Shkodra Public Safety and Security Structures on Grant Scheme, Domestic Violence and Local Councils on Public Safety

Program Team Leader Mr. Ansi Shundi and Grant Scheme Manager Ms. Miranda Fishka, met with Shkodra LPD Director Mr. Fatmir Lleshaj and other managers of the LPD on 26 November 2024.

This meeting was organized in the framework of the implementation of the work plan activities and in order to share and exchange information on the Grant Scheme, which will support the creation of partnerships to facilitate the achievement of key results across all three SCPA Program pillars.  PMT informed Shkodra LPD managers that the First Call for Grant Applications will be organized soon and Shkodra LPD is one of the four targeted LPDs. In addition, to this activity the PMT discussed on the Domestic Violence activities and delivered to Shkodra LPD the promotional/visibility materials produced by the SCPA Program in the framework of the International Domestic Violence Awareness Week. The DV visibility materials produced by the SCPA Program will be displayed in the LPD premises to raise awareness with the wider community and further distributed by the relevant DV structures within the community especially at schools to raise awareness on DV with youth.

The SCPA PMT participated in the coordination meeting organized by Ms Majlinda Angoni, the Prefect of Shkodra, for the revitalization of Local Councils on Public Safety (LCPS) following the approval of the CoM Decision No. 678, dated 30.10.2024 on ‘Structure, detailed rules of organization and functioning of the LCPS and the National Council of Community Safety”. The SCPA program will support the activities related to LCPS in Shkodra during next year.