
History of the Program

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) support to Albania is guided by the Strategy for Sweden’s reform cooperation with the Western Balkans and Turkey for 2021-2027, which gives priorities to areas such as democracy, rule of law, gender equality and inclusive and peaceful societies. A key focus of this strategy’s operationalization plan is community policing with the aim of improving the public safety and security, prevention and police and community partnerships. Since 2012, Sweden has supported the Ministry of the Interior of Albania and the Albanian State Police in developing and implementing the Community Policy through the SCPA Program – ‘Strengthening Community Policing in Albania’. SIDA and the Embassy of Sweden in Albania have provided support in the two previous phases. The first phase of the program (2012-2015) focused improving public security services, establishing the trust between police and citizens, and strengthening partnerships with the community, especially with the youth, whereas the second phase (2017-2022) focused on improving the community policing structure of  ASP, strengthening local partnerships and building the staff capacities; the strategic management support of ASP and implementation of the new Strategy on Public Safety; and the increase of responses to domestic violence through skills development and better coordination between stakeholders for a comprehensive support. Based on the interest expressed by the beneficiaries of the Program and on an external evaluation carried out, the Swedish Government committed funds for the third phase of the Program with the aim of providing ongoing support on community policing reforms, by emphasizing the need for changes in attitude and culture within police and the need to gradually build trust within the community.
