Program Components


Component 1



  1.  Enhanced capacities to implement the philosophy of Community Policing
  2. Support for leadership levels to integrate Community Policing approaches
  3. Accountability in the implementation of Community Policing

The subcomponents and activities of Component 1 form the core of the project. The primary objective of this component is to improve the understanding and practical implementation of the philosophy of Community Policing in the daily work of the police. This component focuses on General Patrol Police Officers, aiming to consolidate the philosophy of Community Policing and ensure long-term sustainability.

Additionally, refresher courses will be offered for Community Police Officers to ensure they continue to effectively apply the principles of Community Policing (CP). Alongside the training provided for operational-level officers, training and mentoring will also extend to lower and middle-level supervisors in Police Stations to ensure full adoption of the CP approach by every police staff member. Special emphasis will be placed on the education and training of Community Policing at the Security Academy. Furthermore, the program will support the development and accurate application of statistics to better measure progress and outcomes.

Component 2



  1. Support for the functioning of Local Public Safety Councils
  2. Strengthening analytical and monitoring capacities
  3. Use of surveys to measure public satisfaction with police performance

Component 2 focuses on enhancing community policing efforts in Albania by strengthening accountability mechanisms and analytical capacities of local and national institutions. This component also aims to improve Local Public Safety Councils, increase data analysis and monitoring capacities within the State Police, and utilize public satisfaction surveys to inform policy decisions. In the framework of this component, support will also be provided to the implementation of the objectives deriving from the Cross-sectoral Strategy on Safety in the Community, 2021-2026 and its Action Plan 2024- 2026.

The primary objective of Component 2 is to increase accountability, transparency, and effectiveness in community policing by enhancing the engagement of local stakeholders, creating monitoring and evaluation systems, and conducting regular assessments of public perceptions regarding police performance.

Component 3



  1. Enhancement of first response to survivors of Domestic Violence
  2.  Support for road policing
  3. Youth awareness and partnerships

This component includes various activities that are a continuation of interventions from previous phases and represent a key contribution of the program to the development of the capacities of the State Police in addressing community priorities. The main objectives of this component focus on ensuring that the State Police has adequate capacities in specific policing issues related to domestic violence, traffic, and youth engagement.

This component ensures that the responses of the State Police to community priorities are appropriate and based on a sound understanding of the issues, the needs of vulnerable groups, and that the police possess the necessary skills to provide an appropriate response.

Grant Scheme

The program includes an intersectoral component of the Grant Scheme that complements the interconnection of the three main pillars. The Grant Scheme (GS) will maintain a “horizontal” profile in the overall implementation of the program and will support the creation of partnerships to facilitate the achievement of key results across all three pillars.

The Grant Scheme aims to enhance community participation and influence the development of community policing approaches by ensuring that community policing is well engaged with motivated community groups. The GS will have a strong focus on strengthening partnerships and raising awareness on issues such as diversity, gender integration, domestic violence, and human rights. It will target vulnerable community groups, particularly youth and women, and will collaborate with the police organization, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and other key local actors in the field of community policing to reinforce partnerships.

Additionally, the program will also provide technical support to the Local Police Directorates, the State Police, and the Ministry of the Interior regarding relevant activities for strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation capacities, defining indicators, data collection, appropriate tools, statistical analysis, and satisfaction surveys.