SCPA Programme supported and cooperated with the Albanian State Police to raise awareness with youth during the 16 days of action against domestic violence campaign. In the framework of the International Domestic Violence Awareness Weeks the SCPA PMT organized meetings with the Programme beneficiaries to share and exchange information on the Domestic Violence activities pursuant to the Programme work plan. In addition, the PMT cooperated closely with the ASP Directorate of Crimes in Volume, respectively the Sector against Domestic Violence and Protection of Minors by delivering promotional/visibility materials against DV such as flyers, posters and banners, wristbands and pens. The promotional materials have been widely distributed by the ASP DV Officers in cooperation with School Security Officers from the Ministry of Education and Sports in schools in Albania. The SCPA Programme during its activities’ implementation will continue to support the ASP DV structures and also cooperate with schools in the fight against domestic violence and gender-based violence.